Hello Beautiful Souls,

I’m thrilled to introduce our latest treatment at Viva Aesthetics –


The Radiant Renewal Treatment

The Radiant Renewal Treatment is a game-changer for your skin. Combining Laser Genesis, SkinPen microneedling, and Celluma Pro light therapy, it addresses multiple skin concerns in one session. Whether you’re dealing with fine lines, uneven skin tone, or acne scars, this treatment can help.


Who Should Try It?

If you’ve been looking for a way to:

🌞 Brighten your complexion,

Reduce signs of aging 🔄

😊 Give your skin a boost,

Smooth your skin’s texture 💕

⭐️ Minimize pores

Then this is the perfect treatment for you!

It’s non-invasive, comfortable, and requires minimal downtime, making it ideal for anyone with a busy lifestyle.

What to Expect

During your session, we’ll start with Laser Genesis to gently heat the dermis, stimulating collagen production. Next, we’ll use the SkinPen to create micro-channels in the skin, promoting natural healing and rejuvenation. Finally, we’ll finish with a relaxing session under the Celluma Pro light, which further enhances collagen production and reduces inflammation.

The Results

Clients love the immediate glow and long-term improvements in their skin. With regular treatments, you’ll see a significant reduction in fine lines, smoother texture, and an overall brighter complexion.

I invite you to experience the Radiant Renewal Treatment for yourself. Book your appointment today and let’s unlock your skin’s full potential together.

Stay radiant,


Amanda McLaughlin
Owner/Esthetician at Viva Aesthetics

skin microbiome